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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Find Freedom and Relief

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety condition that causes persistent, intrusive, uncontrollable reoccurring thoughts and/or behaviors that you feel the urge to repeat over and over. OCD can cause symptoms such as:

  • Obsessions such as fear of germs or contamination

  • Unwanted thoughts about sex, religion, or harm. 

  • Unwanted aggressive thoughts towards self or others

  • You try to suppress or neutralize the thoughts with an alternate thought or compulsion

  • Compulsions such has repetitive handwashing, cleaning, checking, counting, repeating in response to obsessions

  • Engage in compulsions in a rigid manner or according to specific rules

  • The compulsions are in effort to reduce distress or help prevent a situation from happening but are clearly excessive

  • The compulsions are time consuming, taking more than one hour a day or contributing to high levels of distress


If you suffer from OCD, you might feel a chronic sense of anxiety and feel deeply alone. OCD is not discussed enough in our society, but rest assured, you're not the only one and these symptoms are common in OCD sufferers.


For some sufferers, depression is a common co-occurring condition. OCD symptoms can create difficulties at work and at home and in your relationships.


Luckily, OCD is a very treatable condition and my patients with OCD have some of the best treatment outcomes. 


What causes anxiety?


The causes of OCD are due to a complex set of contributing factors, including genetics, individual brain chemistry, and life experiences. I commonly see certain life experiences such as illness or death(s) of loved ones, environmental instability in childhood, and a family history of anxiety amongst my patients with OCD, but now always.


I create a safe environment in which you'll feel at ease exploring and speaking freely about your OCD symptoms and the underlying contributing factors. 


How does OCD treatment work?


I develop an individualized OCD treatment plan very quickly so you can start feeling better as soon as possible. Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) is the best form of therapy for OCD. I take into account your specific set of life experiences, treatment goals, and stage of change to design an effective treatment plan that considers all aspects of your OCD whether you suffer from obsessions, compulsions, or both. Together, we will develop a set of exposure exercises to help you overcome your thoughts and behaviors at a pace that feels good to you. You will never be pushed to do more than you are comfortable challenging yourself with. 


I will teach you effective coping skills to help you cope with your symptoms related to OCD as well as other symptoms such as depression and other types of anxiety. You’ll experience symptom relief and free up room to focus on the important things in your life such as your relationships, work, and hobbies.


Therapy is extremely effective for OCD sufferers. Many patients experience OCD symptom relief after only a few therapy sessions. The majority of patients achieve significant OCD symptom relief after several months of therapy. Since I know how much OCD can negatively affect your life on a chronic, daily basis, I find OCD treatment to be some of the most meaningful work I do and love to help patients with the healing process. 


For OCD help from a caring professional psychologist, use online scheduling or call Dynamic Therapies to book an appointment with me now.

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